Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Alternative Gasoline Solutions And An Unfortunate Characteristic Of Human Nature
Monday, 15 December 2008
Is Ethanol The Alternative Fuel?
Mohan Potukuchi
Ethanol (commonly called "Alcohol") has assumed a very important place in the worlds economy. It is a vital raw material for a number of chemicals. It has been a major source of revenue by way of excise duty for the Governments.
Industrial alcohol produced from sugarcane molasses has a significant role to play in the world's economy. Alcohol is a by-product of sugar industry which is linked to agriculture. Sugarcane crop is a renewable source of energy. Therefore alcohol produced from molasses deserves a preferential place as a substitute feed stock for chemicals industry to bridge the gap in any countrys energy needs for increasing requirement for potable purpose. Sugarcane can also be directly used to produce ethanol.
Alcohol Based Chemicals
Ethyl Alcohol is an important feed stock for the manufacture of chemicals. These chemicals are Acetic Acid, Acetone, Butanol, Butadiene, Acetic Anhydride, Vinyl acetate, styrene, MEG PVC etc. Synthetic rubber industry also requires large quantity Of Alcohol. The main product INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL is used in the manufacturing of the following Alcohol based chemicals, the uses of which are also given below.
a) Acetaldehyde : Can be used for industrial use as Chemicals derivatives Pharmaceutical applications and synthetic resins and for manufacture of Acetic Acid.
b) Acetic Acid : Used in Pharmaceuticals applications, Textiles, Dyestuffs, Ethyl Acetate, and is the basic chemical for Alcohol based chemicals via Acetaldehyde route...
c) Acetic Anhydride : Used in Bulk Drug manufacturing
d) Ethyl Acetate : Used in manufacturing of Paints, Dyestuffs and Pharmaceuticals .
e) Substitute to : Used in manufacture of HDPE, LDPE etc. and Chemicals other Petroleum based petroleum based chemicals such as Ethylene Glycol.
Potable Alcohol
Manufacture of alcoholic beverages from alcohol is also an attractive diversification. There is large demand for alcoholic beverages i.e. Brandy, Whisky, Rum, gin , Vodka and Wine. The need for alcohol for potable purpose is as high as the alcohol being used for industrial purposes.
Alcohol as fuel/Ethanol Blended petrol
The trend in the world (particularly Brazil and USA) is towards the use of alcohol as an alternative fuel. During World war II, alcohol in the form of power alcohol was used for blending with petrol in the proportion of 80% petrol and 20% power alcohol. Brazil has developed a technology which has made possible large scale substitution of petroleum derived fuel. Now Anhydrous Alcohol is exclusive fuel for automobiles. Alcohol powered vehicles have taken the first position in Brazil & accounting for 80% of overall sales of about 500,000 alcohol powered vehicles every year.
Anhydrous Alcohol (99.5% v/v) is being used as fuel, by mixing it with Petrol. The blend of Anhydrous Alcohol and petrol is called Gasohol. In Brazil 4 million Vehicles are running on Gasohol. The content of alcohol in Gasohol varies from 10% to 85%. Alcohol works as Oxygenate in petrol combustion and superior to other oxygenate MTBE and ETBE. Alcohol reduces CO (Carbon Monoxide) emission and cause less pollution compared to petrol.
It can be seen that demand for alcohol will be ever increasing & there would not be any problem in marketing alcohol (either for Industrial or for potable purpose ) produced by distilleries.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Increase Fuel Economy
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Independent Rear Suspension
If you're a "go fast" -- and don't really understand your car's suspension, something's kinda' suspect.
There have been volumes written on IRS and suspension issues but for the sake of brevity we're going to cut right to the chase.
Independent Rear Suspension, or IRS for short, is about how a vehicle handles curves and turns. Among many other things, it's about Camber. "Okay, so what's Camber"? Camber is basically the "tilt" or lack of tilt, of the wheels - in this case, the rear wheels. How rear wheels tilt or don't tilt significantly impacts the ability of the vehicle to handle (or not handle) curves and turns at speed. Do the wheels remain straight up and down, vertical to the road at a ninety degree angle? If so, our camber is neutral. If they begin to tilt in or out as our car leans into or out of a curve, we're going to be experiencing positive or negative camber.
While there are many variations, today's Rear Suspensions basically break down into two versions. First, there is the Straight Axel or Live Axel. Then there is IRS.
With a Straight Axel or Live Axel, each of the rear wheels are directly connected to each other. The Straight Axel will be found in front wheel drive cars. It reaches directly from one rear wheel to the other, connecting the two wheels together. The Live Axel is basically the same thing with a differential stuffed in the middle. This will be found on Rear Wheel or Four Wheel Drive vehicles.
With either of these configurations, what ever happens to one of the wheels, will directly affect the wheel on the other side because of that direct connection. If you hit a bump with the left wheel, it will jump up and cause the right wheel to tilt in the opposite direction. If the car or truck leans into a turn, the wheels will still be straight up and down. Not a bad thing, but not especially great, either.
With IRS, the rear axel is, in effect, two separate axels. Each side of the axel can flex up or down on its own. This allows each of the rear wheels to act independently of the other. By definition then, it also allows each wheel, individual camber or tilt flexibility. This is good.
Why would we care about all this? It makes a big difference. If those tires lean bottom-in toward the car, Positive Camber, will make the car unstable. It can get loose or even roll over. That's called Body Roll and it's not good. If on the other hand they squat - that is, if the bottom of the tires tilt out, it will increase stability and allow the car to glide effortlessly through curves you may never have thought possible.
Let's talk about the Positive Camber body roll problem first because this was definitely a bad thing. "Was," -- because the problem's been pretty much fixed.
Back in 1960, Chevrolet was one of the first American Cars to introduce IRS with their Corvair model. The Foreign makers already had plenty of them but then, they were more willing to spend the money and their customers were more demanding.
The Corvair was a pure delight if you knew how drive it and if it had a stick shift. But the IRS concept was sort of new to most American Drivers and they soon began rolling over the Corvairs in rather significant numbers. Those independent wheels would go positive camber with a hard emergency turn. Basically, they would just fold up under the frame and roll the car right over. Ruined a lot of door handles. Ralph Nader jumped all over the Corvair in his 1965 book "Unsafe at Any Speed" in 1965. Anyway, it didn't take too long (about five years) for Chevrolet (and the foreigners) to come up with solutions to the problem.
Today IRS vehicles have sway bars, multi links and other good stuff which basically eliminates the Positive Camber problem, leaving IRS equipped vehicles with only positive attributes - or more specifically, Negative Camber. This leaves most Independent Rear Suspension cars of today, with nothing but positive characteristics.
You can safely drive IRS today without ever even knowing you have it. But if you do, it's kinda' nice to know how it can keep you safer and more confident on the road.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Oil Filter Crusher and EPA Compliance
Of course, the best answer to getting rid of old used oil filters is to decontaminate them yourself, and then send them off to a regular metal recycling station where you actually get paid for the scrap value of the metal, rather than having to pay a fee for every unit. This is where an oil filter crusher can save the day.
Essentially, an oil filter crusher is a device that squeezes all of the engine sludge, grunge, and oil out of the old filter under high pressure, and flattens the old filter at the same time. This means that rather than having a stack of bulky oil filters sitting in the back of your workshop waiting to be disposed of, you end up with a neat pile of clean scrap metal, and an easy to manage container of used oil that can be disposed of cheaply and conveniently and comply with the EPA disposal guidelines.
Modern oil filter crushers such as the John Dow DOWAFC100-94 connect quickly and simply to your existing air supply, and are designed specifically to be able to smash open oil filters and crush up to 95% of the sludge and used engine oil out of the unit. This waste oil is separated from the metal, and placed in a large capacity bucket, to await proper disposal. The John Dow DOWAFC100-94 oil filter crusher is an incredibly compact and easy to use machine. It is able to remove 75% of the volume of a used oil filter when it crushes it, features a simple to use "close and go" system to operate, and can stand in less than 4 square feet of space. Because it only needs to be connected to an air hose, you can place the oil filter crusher practically anywhere in your workshop, and only get it out when required.
The price of oil filter crushers varies depending on the exact specification of the model that you choose. Prices start from around $1750 for a basic model like the John Dow above, which is ideal for a small workshop, and range up to nearly $7000 for a top of the line model which can take a wider variety of filters.
Although these initial prices seem quite high for a single tool, when you consider the cost of the specialist treatment required by EPA law for disposing of contaminated waste, couples with the rebate you can get from a scrap metal dealer for selling the clean oil filters, the unit will pay for itself quite quickly.
It is important to remember when purchasing an that different models are required for different types of oil filter. If you want a crusher that will be able to deal with everything right up to the large size filters that are used in trucks and recreational vehicles, it will be necessary to invest in a larger and more powerful machine such as the OTC 1896 oil filter crusher.
This monster can reduce anything up to a full sized 15 inch truck oil filter to 20% of its original size while removing all but the last traces of oil from inside it. The OTC 1986 is designed to accommodate a standard 30 gallon oil drum in order to collect waste oil, making it the perfect tool for a larger garage.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Domestic Automotive Maintenance - 5 Preventative Maintenance Repairs
Here are some of the standard foreign and domestic automotive maintenance procedures that you should be sure to have done periodically:
Oil Changes: This is one of the most obvious, yet it is also one of the most frequently overlooked. Changing your oil and oil filter every three thousand miles keeps your engine running smoothly. Not changing your oil and oil filter often enough, on the other hand, can be disastrous: Over time, the additives in your engine oil break down, and the oil becomes thick and sludge-like. When this happens, the oil creates resistance on the engine, causing buildup and premature wear. Old engine oil can also cause the rubber seals in your engine to prematurely dry out and crack, creating leaks that can be quite expensive to fix.
There are a lot of quick-lube places that will change your oil quickly and cheaply, which may make you question the need to take your car to a good foreign or domestic automotive maintenance shop. However, it is definitely worth the extra money to make sure an experienced professional services your car. It is not uncommon for quick-lube shops to employ inexperienced teenagers at minimum wage, and horror stories (driving off without oil in the engine, finding months later that the oil plug won't come out because it was stripped) abound.
Air Filter Replacement: Replacing the air filter is another important precaution that many people forget about. The silly thing is that this is also the easiest thing you'll have to do on your car. Just as easy, if not easier, as filling the washer fluid on some cars. In fact, this one is so easy that you may not even have to get a foreign or domestic automotive maintenance shop to do it for you. Just make sure you get a high quality replacement filter. If you are not sure where it goes, ask. There will be a couple of clips you'll have to undo to open the air filter box, but that's about it.
Your air filter should be replaced once or twice a year. Every six months, you should at least check it. If it looks dirty, replace it. The better airflow your engine gets, the better it will perform, which to you means higher gas mileage and lower maintenance costs over time.
Basic Tune-Up: A tune-up basically involves replacing a bunch of inexpensive, quick-to-wear-out parts, and checking out a bunch of more expensive, slower-to-wear-out parts. This should be done once a year, but again, many people aren't very good at making sure it gets done regularly.
A basic tune-up involves replacing (or cleaning and re-gapping) your spark plugs, replacing your distributor cap and rotor, and checking and/or replacing your spark plug wires. Other parts that might need to be replaced during a tune-up are your PCV (positive crankcase ventilation valve) and your oxygen sensor. All of these can affect the way your car runs, causing your gas mileage to go down and the carbon monoxide in your exhaust to go up.
Radiator Flush and Coolant Replacement: Your cooling system is a vital system. It prevents your engine from overheating, which can ruin an entire engine in mere minutes. Your cooling system therefore ought to be treated with respect, which means flushing your radiator and replacing the coolant every year or so, preferably at the end of summer or fall, before the cold weather hits.
The reason for flushing your radiator and replacing the coolant is that the Ph balance in antifreeze breaks down after a while, destroying many of its protective properties. Not only will it not cool to as low a temperature, but it will also begin to allow rust to form in your cooling system, which may lead to premature leaks in your radiator.
Be sure your replacement coolant is half water and half antifreeze. The 50/50 mixture has the lowest possible freezing temperature, the highest possible boiling point (meaning your coolant won't boil on hot days), and will protect against corrosion inside the system.
Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter Replacement: Many people don't realize that their automatic transmission contains fluid and a filter that need to be replaced periodically, just like an engine. Unfortunately, neglecting this maintenance repair can result in parts in the transmission going out more quickly than they should, requiring you to overhaul or replace your transmission, which is a costly venture, to say the least.
The fluid and filter in your automatic transmission should typically be replaced about every 25,000 miles, which is less than a year's worth of driving for most cars. The oil in a standard transmission doesn't need to be replaced as frequently. Replacement about once every couple of years, unless you happen to do a lot of hard driving, such as towing.
Keeping up on these five preventative maintenance repairs will ensure that you maximize the life of your car. A good foreign or domestic automotive maintenance shop can help you keep track of the required maintenance, making sure that you don't miss anything important.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
10 Tips To Help Your Motorcycle Leather Last Longer
Check out these simple tips and your leather will look beautiful and last for years.
Generally speaking people like leather because it is easy to care for. It is not, however, indestructible.
In general, the more heavily finished a leather surface is, the more resistant it is to spills and stains.
Untreated leather absorbs, and is easily stained, by oils. Abrasive cleaners, and organic solvents can also harm it. Soap and water is good for routine cleaning, but commercially available leather cleaners may work better.
The latter often contain lubricating materials, which are intended to keep leather supple. Really dirty leather may require the use of a mild detergent solution but care should be taken, because some detergent solutions may not be pH balanced, containing compounds that could harm the leather.
Always follow the manufacturer's cleaning instructions and test any cleaner on an inconspicuous area first. It is also a good idea to damp-wipe rather than soaking the leather with water.
If you love the smell of leather, the touch of it, the sense of protection it offers as well as the way it makes YOU personally feel, then read the top 10 leather care tips and additional information.
1.Unprotected leather is susceptible to spotting from water and other liquids; a newly purchased leather item should be treated immediately to prevent permanent stains. Be sure to use a product that will not clog the pores. Leather needs to breathe.
2.When using a commercial cleaner to clean you item be sure to get matching items cleaned at the same time. There may be a small color change after cleaning. This is natural and to be expected. If you get matching items cleaned at the same time this won't be a problem.
3.Prevention is the best cure. Treat your new item as soon as it arrives. Store in a dry environment, don't use harsh household chemicals and avoid preparations that contain alcohol.
4. If your leather gets wet hang it on a padded hanger and allow it to dry air dry. Apply a little conditioner when the leather is nearly dry.
5.Small repairs can be done with rubber cement. For example if the hem in a skirt is starting to unravel a little rubber cement saves the day.
6. For spills: Wipe up excess liquid immediately with a clean clothe or sponge. If necessary use clean lukewarm water and let the leather air-dry.
For spots and stains: Apply a mild, non-detergent soap solution with a clean, wet sponge. Rinse well and let air-dry.
Especially stubborn dirt may require a detergent solution, but care should be taken.
For butter, oil or grease: Wipe excess butter, oil or grease off the leather with a clean, dry cloth, then leave it alone as the spot should dissipate into the leather in a short period of time. Do not apply water to try to wash a butter, oil or grease mark.
7. Use Caution if using mink oil or other animal fats they will darken leather.
8. Avoid turpentine and mineral spirits as they can pull color.
9.Do not use waxes, or silicone formulas or other leather preparations that impair the ability of the leather to "breathe".
10.To remove gum from leather heat it with a hair dryer until it is completely dry and then rub it off with a dry cloth. If there is any marks left apply some conditioner.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
GPS Automotive Systems
The simplest kind of auto navigation GPS system is a removable gadget that stores the map data internally, and uses a satellite signal to pinpoint the position of the unit. By combining the map data and the satellite signal, routes can be planned, and the user can find their way, while seeing a graphical representation of their route on a small screen. These GPS auto navigation systems can be either removable, or fixed into the car. Many new models actually integrate the GPS into the dashboard, while non fixed systems can either be mounted on the dash, or attached to the windshield using a suction cup.
As well as dedicated auto GPS devices, it is also possible to buy a large number of other gadgets with GPS as a built in feature. Some GPS PDAs can have a GPS module plugged in to them, and used in cars, and an increasing number of cell phones have GPS as a standard feature. On the whole, although these devices have GPS built in, it is not of the same standard as a dedicated system, and wile it may help you know where you are, it will not provide such accurate data or be able to plan routes on the go as well as one of the custom systems from Garmin or Magellan.
GPS or Global Positioning System is a fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System. This system uses an artificial constellation of 24 medium Earth orbit satellites. These satellites transmit microwave signals, thus enabling a GPS receiver to determine its location, speed, direction and time not because you never know when there will be a detour, bad weather, a wreck, or anything .
So you want to narrow things down some more and look for a vendor that has a dedicated GPS store on an auction site. Yes, they exist, and some of them offer both new and refurbished systems from all of the major GPS manufacturers. They usually carry all the accessories as well, and since they use auctions to sell, you can get some terrific deals. Further, unlike even the best GPS websites, the inventory of auction sites constantly changes. So you not only have a shot at a terrific deal, but there is also an unusually large variety of products to choose from, both new and refurbished.
Automotive gps systems have the same features as many of the handheld portable gps receivers do, however, most of them are larger and stay in the car. But there are a few models that can be taken out of the car and carried around with you as you walk around the city or the woods; it depends on which model you want to purchase. Most of the automotive gps models have a larger LCD touchscreen and come with more maps than the handheld units. Street level maps and millions of POI's or points of interests such as restaurants, ATM's and banks, zoo's, schools and parks are already preprogrammed into the automotive gps systems. Although there are programs in which you can program your own POI's such as schools and speed cameras so you know to avoid them each time you pass by that way.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
What a beginner needs to know about motorcycle parts
Once you hop in a motorcycle and realize that you have deep interest in riding it, I’m definitely sure you’ll have lots of questions in your mind. You’ll probably ask the basic questions on how to start and drive it with the use of gears. These are common questions of beginners who are willing to indulge on the road to driving motorcycles. Knowing the parts of your motorcycles and how they work together to keep your motorcycles running can be quite interesting too. In order for you to learn riding and start riding, you must first learn the basics of the motorcycle parts and how they function. If you get to know the parts very well, you can now begin your curiosity in riding your first bike. There are many different parts of the motorcycle. These parts are considered general because all motorcycles regardless of the brands contain the same parts. I’ll be giving you a short discussion on the important parts. The clutch is a lever which is found in the left-hand grip of your motorcycle. You operate it with the use of your fingers. It is responsible for releasing mechanism and operates for shifting gears more easily. Motorcycles have cylinders but they differ in the number of cylinders. Motorcycles contain between the ranges of one to six cylinders. Most of the cylinders are liquid-cooled to prevent steaming of over-heating for extreme usage. You have the brake which is very important because it slows down the speed of the motorcycles to prevent it from bumping. There are two kinds of brakes. The first is the front brake which is located at the right hand of the motorcycle. It is responsible for stopping the front wheels of your motorcycle. The second is the rear brake which operates to stop the back wheels of the motorcycles. It is operated with the use of our foot. Thought hey both work differently, they work together to prevent serious accidents. The suspension works to keep you comfortable in riding. It provides you with a stable and smooth ride on rough edges and areas. The gas tank is where you place gas which is where your motorcycle is being fed with gasoline. The gear shift which is foot-operated is responsible for shifting gears. The spark plug operates as an igniter to start the engines to cause the effect of combustion. The ignition switch is where you start the motorcycle with your keys. Once it is already witched on, the motorcycle is now ready to be operated. The handlebar is where you place your right and left arms for steering and pivoting. He throttle is found in the right grip of your hand. The throttle increases the speed of the motorcycle. It is being operated by twisting it with your hand. The side mirrors are of great help to the motorcycle rider. It allows them to look behind even in a very fast lane without looking backwards. In order to view your behind very well, these side mirrors should be at the right angle and should always be clear. The hors serves as a warning especially on a busy street where people and vehicles are rushing through. Now that you are introduced with the parts, you can now start your first motorcycle ride and enjoy safe riding!
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Best Gas Mileage
As we know most people are disruptive with the skyrocketing petrol prices. Many people want to get the best fuel consumption rate from their vehicles and rightly so. Virtually all of us have a fantasy of getting into a powerful car and drive hundreds of miles without having to stop often at petrol stations to fill gas in the car. Nevertheless, a good gas mileage is surly can be a reality. The only way to get the best car mileage is by pushing your car around where you want to go. However, there are a few things that can be done to get the best car fuel consumption rate out of your car. When it comes to increasing the mileage of your car, the basic problem for you will be how you keep your car and how you drive. You must void drive when the place you want to go to is at a short length of your place. The first and the foremost proposition for increasing your car mileage is that you must walk or ride the bicycle as much as you can. If you have to do some work and you must use your car then you must concentrate on doing as much work as possible in one trip itself. There is absolutely no point in juggle your tasks in another trips. You must walk or ride the bicycle when the tasks are at a manageable distance. You can also use public transport services to get to your nearby destinations. Another point is that you must not drive aggressively. This burns a deal of fuel. Instead, drive at a normal speed so that you can loosen up and delight the view while driving. Driving sharply resorts to the rapid acceleration, quick braking at over Hundred mph. when these things are avoided you can yourself feel the difference in the mileage of the car. The 3rd and one of the most significant things that can be done for the improvement of fuel consumption rate of the car is that you must cut down the heavy items in your car that are unnecessary. You must keep down the weight unit of the car as much as possible. This helps in avoiding the wastage of the excess fuel that is used in the speed up of the vehicle. The heavy loads put extra and unneeded stress on your vehicle. The 4th tip is to keep the tires of your car under proper pressure levels. You must on a regular basis check the air pressure of the tire. You must keep the pressure as the maker suggests in PSI. This will take out the stress off the engine of your car and facilitate effective speedup and the smooth cognitive operation of the vehicle. This method will Surely gain the mileage of your vehicle by over 5%. The last slant is possibly the most crucial one. It promises to give you the best fuel consumption rate from your car. You must stay up-to-date with the service of your car. You must service your car regularly, and check each ingredient of your car for damages. You must check and replace the defective oxygen sensor, which will considerably gain the gasoline mileage of your car by over 45%, the checking and replacement of clotted air filters can help you attain the average of your car by over Fifteen %.
Friday, 9 May 2008
Alternative Gasoline Solutions And An Unfortunate Characteristic Of Human Nature
Each and every one of us are seeking to survive.No matter what else we are doing that is one thing we have in common.It is a law of the universe though, the thing which is beneficial for the duck hunter is not so darn good for the duck!Therefore we have conflict, and because of this we have greed.Still I have not gotten to my main point.A mixed blessing for all humanity is that man is basically good. No matter how he kills that duck or how he cooks and eats it, he is still at his core good!And when a fellow member of the human race does something against another then he will wear it around with him like a badly tailored suit of clothes.And if an individual who has done some misdeed thinks that you are looking at the bad suit he has on but he is not certain… that is hell on Earth! And from this you get bad reactions, nastiness, political campaigns and wars.Freud talked about “transference”, by which he meant that Joe has animosity towards mother but transfers those feelings to his poor wife because he can boss her around. The transference is from Joe’s mother to Joe’s wife. Freud’s observation was too limited.When I say “limited” I mean that there are other aspects that Freud missed.For instance… if Bob is stealing cookies from the cookie jar and you look at Joe the wrong way Joe will accuse YOU of something similar to stealing those cookies! It is quite crazy but is one of the mechanisms that make the world what it is.So when you observe someone saying something bad about another realize that even if it is true what they are saying, there are probably other things going on.And this holds even truer when there is money involved. And when we are talking billions of dollars…you are liable to observe some pretty nasty words spoken and actions taken.And what in God’s name does this have to do with alternative gas solutions?? EVERYTHING!When an individual discovers the truth about the possibility of converting the fossil fuel engine into a water powered hydrogen engine then they get targetted as being a fiend, running a scam, hurting others.But the real scam is this…1. The average automobile gets 40% less fuel efficiency than 100 years ago!The average car uses only 20% of the fuel that you put into it and wastes the rest!THAT is what I call a SCAM! A greedy, corrupt, evil scam.Naturally then, when a person dares to offer the people the information that will free them from that scam and offers them an alternative then they will be hit hard by the oil companies. FIRST because the oil companies stand to lose billions of dollars and SECOND because regardless how evil that the greedy bastards at the top of the food chain in the oil industry are, they are still basically decent and they will attempt to prove it by any evil means that they need to use.So understand that when you see their convulsions.But don’t go into agreement with their slander.You can switch your automobile engine to hydrogen, save a lot of cash, contribute to cleaning the environment and help your car run better!Do it today!
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Why You Can Run On Water - The Age of Using Water As An Alternative Fuel Gas
You might have heard of it from your friends or you might have seen the actual video yourself in Youtube or Metacafe. However, many people still do not believe that water (H2O) can be used as an alternative fuel for cars. This is because they have been educated that energy must come from flammable stuff such as petrol and oil. Since water is not a flammable stuff, of course, water cannot generate energy at all. Therefore, it is impossible to run a car on water because water cannot be used as fuel. However, is this true? I strongly disagree to this to a large extent and here, I will tell that you can run your car on water because water is indeed a source of energy!
Firstly, it is possible because water is a molecule and the elements can actually be rearranged using electricity. What we are doing now is using the electricity from car battery to rearrange the water molecule (H2O) into Oxyhydrogen or Brown's gas. (You can read more about the gas here:
Secondly, if you look at the application of Oxyhydrogen, you will realize that the gas has been used for fuel enhancement for many years. However, it does not provide the information on how to generate the gas "perpetually". You can find a guide book on how to modify your car engine so that it can generate the flammable gas from water "perpetually" and at low cost.
Lastly, you can notice that Oxyhydrogen is now being used widely in many industry fields. Most of them are using the gas to generate high energy and high heat for welding metal and cut glass. Therefore, it is possible that water indeed can generate enough energy to move a car.
From the information above, using water to run your own car is not a rocket science at all. It is changing water into a flammable gas using your car battery.
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Car Accessory - Supremely Useful
One of the dreams harbored by people across the world is to own a car. This is a dream that has always enticed people in all times and ages. Indeed, there is something inherently romantic about cars in that they create a ripple in everyone's heart and create an yearning to own these wonderful machines.
It is a desire that has always been there with humans right from the time these machines were first introduced. In fact, it is the warmth with which the cars are received that emboldens the car manufacturers to come up with newer and better models. However, people would do well to understand that they should pay at least ten per cent of the attention to the car accessory that they spare for cars. This indeed would enhance the utility of car immensely.
The utility of car accessory or parts can be understood by some examples. Take the case of stereo. A super utility device, it ensures that neither boredom nor fatigue set in while one is on a drive, even if the drive is a long one. Similarly roof box also play an important role in enhancing the value of a car immensely. Especially at the time of shifting it proves to be of extreme help.
Similar is the case with mats. Another extremely useful component of the car which does not get the treatment it deserves. It would be interesting to know that contrary to what is widely believed mats are of extreme importance. They after all protect the car from dust, water etc.
The above account should clearly explain the utility of a car accessory and announce to the world that if they don't give as much attention to the accessory as is its due, the utility of car would take a serious beating. It is, therefore, in the best interest of people that they have a fair understanding of different car parts as they can increase the value of cars in a big way.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
4 Ways to the Perfect Car Deal
Negotiating a Car Deal
If you've purchased a million cars in your life or you've purchased none, you should know by now it's always best to get the most out of your money and nothing comes easier when it comes down to negotiating with a car salesman. Most car dealers run the same setup and in order to get the best deals possible, I'll provide you with some great tips so that you can leave the lot with a great deal.
- Go in with a plan
Before you even set foot on a car lot, make sure that you have a set price in your head. If you want to spend ten thousand dollars, make sure that you don't pay any more than this. Let's say your budget is ten thousand dollars. You'll still should be able to check out cars that are in the thirteen-fourteen thousand dollar range. The general rule of thumb is usually that you can go about a few thousand over your set budget. Just remember in the long run that you don't make a purchase more than what you wanted to spend. - Start off small
Like any negotiating tactics, you'll always want to start off with a low ball offers. This means that you should offer the least amount possible that you think the dealer will accept. Even if the offer in your head sounds outrageous, it doesn't hurt to try by asking the dealer. The worst that's going to happen is the dealer says no. If the dealer accepts your offer right off the bat, you probably didn't go low enough. - Patience is your friend
Be prepared to have a lot of time on your hands. The dealership is there to make a deal and they don't want to see you leave. The problem with this is that you're going to have to make ends meet. Sometimes when you're trying to make a deal with the dealership, you're going to find that it may take up to a hour or so. Just think to yourself and ask if two thousand dollars off the sticker price is worth one hour of your time. - Don't buy the extras
Once you reach a deal with the dealership, they are going to push a bunch of other things toward you hoping they will make more money off you. This will usually include things such as warranties, free oil changes, etc. Simply say no to these items because it won't be worth it in the long run. The best line to use when the warranty is brought up is "I'm a mechanic and have always fixed my car" They will usually shut up after that one.
Trying to get a bargain with a car dealership isn't that hard. It just involves great bargaining skills and a lot of patience. If you're going to show them that you play a hard game, you're most likely to get your deal. Remember in the long run that you won't want to give up and make sure you have a lot of energy to deal with!
Saturday, 26 January 2008
The Mythical 100 MPG Carburetor
OK, who has a 100 mpg carburetor that they are keeping under wraps? Actually, you do.
It is not that Detroit or the oil giants have been hiding a miracle carburetor from us all these years because they are afraid of losing money. The problem is that even with steady advances in engine efficiency over the years, we (the public, the ones with the buying power, you and me!) have squandered those advances with bigger and heavier vehicles filled with all kinds of frills and luxuries.
All that stuff weighs a lot, and that big frame has to push a lot of air out of the way to hurtle down the highway at 75 miles per hour. With present-day technology and a sane vehicle design, a conventional car could easily get 40 or more miles per gallon and a sub-compact could get -- over 100? -- maybe; we should challenge every shade tree tinkerer and big auto manufacturer to try it and see.
Until we demand that the auto makers change their short-sighted habits and produce more efficient vehicles (plug-in hybrids, anyone?), we are stuck with what we have already invested thousands of dollars in that is sitting out there in the driveway. But, there are some simple things we can do to improve our fuel economy:
- Get a tune-up. New plugs and a clean fuel injection system will improve your mileage immediately.
- Be sure your tires are properly inflated. The guys at the shop usually put 32 psig in your tires, because that is what they've always done (the ride is a little more comfortable with squishy tires), but you can inflate your tires several psi higher than that and improve your gas mileage by reducing rubber-to-road friction. It will also make your tires last longer.
- Unload all that unnecessary cargo. If you use your car's trunk as a mini-storage warehouse, you are paying a lot in fuel efficiency to haul all that stuff around. Other than passengers and basic safety equipment, leave the rest behind.
- When driving around town at low speeds, avoid running your air conditioner. A little wind in your hair is refreshing, anyway.
- Experiment with your car's performance and find the lowest octane gasoline that you can run effectively with. Most cars do not require high octane gasoline. Burning a lower octane fuel may increase your gas mileage a little or not at all, but it will definitely save you a bundle of money.
- Don't drive any faster than you really have to. Wind resistance is a huge factor in fuel consumption.
Implement these things today and feel good about yourself for decreasing your personal carbon footprint. And start saving your pocket change in a big jar so you can buy a hybrid the next time around.